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Preesm Release 2.5.0

This version introduces a new code generator. It now generates the main.c file while taking into account the number of processors of the target architecture. Consquently, there is no need to edit the CMake file anymore. That is, there is no need to change from set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS “-DX1_CORE”) to set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS “-DX4_CORES”). Tutorial materials have been updated in order to respect this new behavior.

Preesm Release 2.4.0

The last version of Preesm introduces the long awaited copy/paste in the PiMM editor. Along with this convenient feature, this version fixes several bugs in the UI (error popups, autolayout crash, …). Complete list of changes is available in the release notes. Binaries are available on Github and already existing Eclipse installations can be updated using the Preesm update site. Also, although we did not test it thoroughly yet, Preesm works within latest Eclipse Oxygen.

Preesm Release 2.3.0

We released new versions for Preesm (2.3.0), DFTools (1.2.0) and Graphiti (1.4.0). The major changes lie in the build process: