PREESM 2.1.0 and DFTools 1.1.3
The last versions of PREESM (2.1.0) and DFTools (1.1.3) has been released on our update-site (see the side bar for a link).
These versions provide several bugfixes and improvements :
- a new workflow task for transformation of static PiMM algorithms (without configuration actors) is now available;
- id: org.ietr.preesm.pimm.checker.task.PiMMAlgorithmCheckerTask;
- input and output are a PiGraph (port name: PiMM).
- a checker for PiMM algorithm is now available, it can be accessed by a right click on a .pi file > PREESM > Algorithm Checker or through a workflow task;
- id: org.ietr.preesm.experiment.pimm2sdf.StaticPiMM2SDFTask;
- inputs are a PiGraph (port name: PiMM) and a PreesmScenario (port name: scenario);
- output is a SDFGraph (port name: SDF).
- editor now supports rename refactorings and copy/paste of pairs of .pi/.diagram files;
- bug preventing to set a new refinement to an actor without an initialization function has been corrected;
- export of .graphml files (through DAG and SDF exporters) in non-existing folders is now possible (folders are created).