PREESM 2.1: Minor releases
Preesm 2.1.3 removes dependencies to CDT and add some graphical improvements and provide wokflow execution through command line interface.
Preesm 2.1.3 removes dependencies to CDT and add some graphical improvements and provide wokflow execution through command line interface.
The last versions of PREESM (2.1.0) and DFTools (1.1.3) has been released on our update-site (see the side bar for a link).
We just released version 1.1.0 of PREESM, version 1.1.0 of DFTools and version 1.3.12 of Graphiti. You can find these new versions on our update site.
You are working both with Preesm and the SDF For Free (SDF3) framework and you are tired of modeling your applications in both tools; we have a solution for you. It is now possible to convert SDF Graphs from the SDF3 format to Preesm, and vice-versa. To do so, simply follow our SDF3 tutorial.
We issue today on our update site a release candidate designed to support the latest version of Graphiti (all dependencies to Graphiti 0.9.2 have been replaced to dependencies to Graphiti 10). Furthermore, several bugs have been fixed.